Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Give Me Your Eyes

So, this is a long time coming. We performed this drama on Feb. 15th, 2009...about a month ago. (i have no excuse as to why it has not been posted yet)

Also, this is the shots that were up on the projector screens, so we can see the little things happening...but that also means that you don't get to see the big picture, but try and imagine that part.

During this service the sermon concerned caring for the vulnerable around us. Specifically orphans, widows, and foreigners. But, who IS vulnerable around us. How many people do we pass by each day without even thinking about.

There are the people that we don't even know, those we pass on the street or see every day when we stop at Starbucks for a morning pick-me-up. Who are they? What makes them vulnerable?

I know that I frequently say hi to people I know without bothering to stop worrying about what is going on in my world long enough to see how they are, or what I could do for them.

What if we saw the people around us as God sees them? Would our hearts break like his does? Would we see them going through they're day, hurt? alone? angry?

This song and drama is a challenge to us to see the people around us...really SEE them. There are probably dozens of little things a day we could do for those around us, what a difference that could make.

If you are seeing people as God sees them...and you see a need you can fill (an ear, a hand, a hug)...you ARE bringing God to them.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

This was so well done and thoughtful!